Flash Science: Water Hammer
Using the power of air pressure to blow out the bottom of a bottle.
Flash Science: Hydrogen Bubbles
Passing a current through water makes hydrogen and oxygen gas, which fill a bubble that can be ignited.
North Dakota Road Trip
Following final exams, the Little Shop of Physics (LSOP) Crew headed north for our last school visits of the 2014-15 Tour! We travelled to two different schools on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota, which is home to the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nations, known as the Three Affiliated Tribes.
Get Your Science On: Writing With Light
Heather shows us a cool experiment you can make with glow-in-the-dark paper and different color LED lights.
In the Teaching Labs at CSU
Over the week of May 11, The Little Shop of Physics saw over 500 kids from 8 different schools in the Physics Teaching Labs at Colorado State University.
Get Your Science On: Funky Ferro Fluid
This week, Mayon show’s us how to build an awesome experiment: Funky Ferro Fluid. Music is used to make a magnetic liquid dance!
Flash Science: Alcohol Rocket
Alcohol vapor in a plastic bottle is lit, giving forward propulsion.
Get Your Science On: Soaring Sphere
In this episode, and show us how to make a beach ball levitate in the air! All you need is an air blower and a ball.
Flash Science: A Glass Conductor
We typically think of glass as an insulator, but it will conduct electricity if it gets hot enough!
Contact Details
- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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