Everything You Need to Know About Electromagnetic Waves
How does the world look to a bee? What exactly is different among different colors of light? We’ll consider these questions and more in this edition of Everything You Need to Know About…
Everything You Need to Know About Energy
What happens when you take a blowtorch to a water balloon? What can we learn by setting a chocolate-chip cookie on fire? On this page we’ll answer all your burning questions about energy.
Everything You Need to Know About Force & Motion
What can you do with 100 battery-powered toy cars? Why does a rocket go up when its thrusters are pointing down? Why should you carry your grocery bags at your elbows instead of in your hands? The answers to these questions and more lie ahead.
Everything You Need to Know About Oscillations & Waves
What happens when you hit a water balloon with a baseball bat? Why does tightening and loosening a guitar string change the sound it produces? Can you actually catch a wave? Read on for an investigation into the answers to these questions and more!
Everything You Need to Know About Fluids in Motion
What keeps airplanes up? What happens to Earth’s atmosphere as the planet spins? For answers to these questions and more, read on!
Everything You Need to Know About Electricity
What happens when you plug a pickle into an electrical outlet? Just what is the “static” that makes your socks stick together when they come out of the dryer? Here we’ll explore electric charges, forces, and fields.
Contact Details
- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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