Help us raise funds for a good cause while exploring and experimenting with the Little Shop of Physics team.
Robert Serunjogi is a well-known figure around Fort Collins and Colorado State University. He has a compelling story and he’s managed, with the help of Laura Schreck, to raise funds to build an orphanage and school in his hometown in Uganda.
Now that the school is built and students are attending, the Little Shop of Physics is raising funds to purchase equipment for the science classes at the school. This equipment will be shared with teachers at the school during a training session in July, 2019.
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Lory Student Center Theater
Colorado State University Campus
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Doors at 2:30 p.m.
Appetizers will be provided. Children of all ages—and adults of all ages!—are welcome!
We will hear a bit about Robert’s Orphanage, and then we’ll spend some time doing some cool hands-on science—experimenting with light, electricity, magnetism, sound, and energy—all using equipment similar to what we’ll provide to the school at Robert’s Orphanage.
Since it’s a Little Shop event, you can be sure that it will be a lighthearted and enjoyable time for all. It’s a chance to have a good time while doing good.
There is no cost to attend, but donations will be accepted. (In fact, donations will be solicited. It’s a fundraiser, after all!)
Tax deductible donations can be made at:
All donations to the Little Shop of Physics in the month of March will go toward this project.