Ask A Scientist a Question: Senses in the 4th Dimension
This week Heather talks with Brian Jones to answer questions from an 8th grade student at Lesher Middle School in Fort Collins, CO about sense in the 4th dimension! Senses in the 4th DimensionAsk a Scientist a Question: Praying Mantis
This week Heather talks to Maia from the CSU Bug Zoo about the European Praying Mantis.
Ask a Scientist: Rachel the Botanist
What is the oldest living thing? What is the largest living thing? Find out on our first episode of Ask a Scientist a Question! Heather interviews Rachel Jones, a botanist who works at CSU. Sources The oldest individual living organism is a Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) in the White mountains of Nevada/California. The […]
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