Classroom Connections: Q&A with PSD Virtual, May 6, 2021
This week, the LSOP crew answered questions from PSD Virtual’s 2nd graders. There were so many good questions, that we weren’t able to answer them all. But fear not…we’re making videos to answer the rest of them!
The Rainbow and Beyond with PSD Virtual, April 22, 2021
On April 22, The Little Shop of Physics presented a virtual assembly with over 100 second graders PSD Virtual. The students were led through a series of activities about visible light as well as electromagnetic radiation that is beyond the rainbow including infrared and ultraviolet. Every student was mailed a pair of rainbow glasses which [...]Lesher MS Classroom Connections, March 11-12, 2021
The LSOP crew did a virtual Classroom Connections program with Lesher Middle School on March 10-11, 2021. The program — which focused on waves, sound, light, and beyond the rainbow — involved experiments and activities done by the students in their classroom (with help from teacher Ms. Freemyer and student-teacher Ms. Harsh). These experiments and […]
Little Shop of Physics
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- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
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