The Little Shop of Physics provides many opportunities for Colorado State University students to get involved with science engagement!
Ram Welcome and College Welcome
Every year we help welcome the new CSU rams in with style as part of the College of Natural Sciences welcome and the Ram Welcome Street Fair!

College of Natural Sciences Learning Community
We partner with the College of Natural Sciences Learning Community — including the Peer Academic Leaders (PALs) and Science Outreach Scholars (SOSs)—to host a wide variety of fun science actives for CSU students who live on campus.

Math-Science-Tech Day
We are proud to parter with with El Centro to take part in MST Day! This annual event brings local underserved elementary children to CSU campus for a day of education and fun. The children are paired with CSU student PALS (Peer Academic Leaders) with the goal of showing them that college is obtainable and worth pursuing.

Homecoming Parade
The Little Shop of Physics has taken part in CSU Homecoming by both marching in the parade and hosting activities on the Oval. In 2018 we won second place for novelty in the parade!