Tag Archives for: "Electricity"
LSOP Live: Physics of the Body, November 19, 2021
There is a lot of physics that underlies the way your body works, and we’ll explore 20 different cool experiments that illustrate how principles of electricity, sound, motion, and light are are at work in your body. We will show you how to make a simple “lie detector” that can tell if you are nervous, [...]Show Me Some Science! What Is An Electrical Substation
Every wonder what an electrical power substation is? Brenna, in collaboration with LSOP and 4-H, asks Brent Sydow, the Operations Manager of United Power.
LSOP Live: Sustainability, Friday, April 30
Join the LSOP Live team for a special show on creative ways to reduce and reuse, as well as creative ways to convert and store energy. We show you how to make electricity using hibiscus tea and powdered donuts (and a bit of sunlight). We power a toy using heat from a cup of coffee, [...]LSOP: Invisible Forces, March 5, 2021
By request from a local school: Invisible Forces! You can’t see gravity—but you can certainly see its effects. And it works at a distance—you don’t need to be in contact with the earth to feel its pull. We say that the earth has a gravitational field around it—and if you are in the field, you […]
LSOP Live: Science It Up!, February 26, 2021
Last week, we asked students to share their questions with us—and did they ever! We got questions from “Why can we see clouds, since they are made of air?” to “Why do snowflakes have different designs?” On this episode, we take one question after another and Science It Up! We take each question and use [...]LSOP Live: Electricity
August 28, 2020 In our very first installment of LSOP Live, Brian, Brenna, and Maude experiment with electricity. Check out these awesome experiments involving static electricity, electric charges, and electric currents.Everything You Need to Know About Electricity
What happens when you plug a pickle into an electrical outlet? Just what is the “static” that makes your socks stick together when they come out of the dryer? Here we’ll explore electric charges, forces, and fields.
Get Your Science On: Human Powered Clock
This week John shows us how to build a human powered clock.
EveryDay Science: Electricity Part 2
Brian, Claire and Madeline try their hand and making and breaking circuits!
EveryDay Science: Electricity Part 1
Brian meets Claire and Madeline, a couple of Junior Broadcasters from Tavelli Elementary School in Fort Collins. Together they begin to explore electricity.
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- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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