Tag Archives for: "wave"
Everything You Need to Know About Electromagnetic Waves
How does the world look to a bee? What exactly is different among different colors of light? We’ll consider these questions and more in this edition of Everything You Need to Know About…
Everything You Need to Know About Oscillations & Waves
What happens when you hit a water balloon with a baseball bat? Why does tightening and loosening a guitar string change the sound it produces? Can you actually catch a wave? Read on for an investigation into the answers to these questions and more!
Get Your Science On: Chronophones
This week, McKenna teaches us how to build Chronophones, a classic LSOP experiment that makes things sound like they’re coming from different places than they actually are.
Get Your Science On: Dark Vibrations
In this episode of Get Your Science On, Katie shows you a neat experiment that shows waves. You can build it with a vibrating back massager and some string.
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- Little Shop of Physics
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1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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